2024 Elections Memo

With the nation drawing closer to Election Day, the Presidential contest understandably continues to be front of mind and receive the lion’s share of national press. And while the race between Vice President Kamala Harris and former President Donald Trump could not be more important for the future of our country, the hundreds of other races happening at the federal, state, and local levels are critical for securing American freedoms and ushering in a new wave of progress.

The NewDEAL is following races at every level closely, tracking a number of opportunities for Democrats to make significant gains, including:

  • Winning open governor seats in New Hampshire (currently under GOP control across state government) and North Carolina (where Republicans have long held legislative power);
  • Flipping a state legislative chamber in New Hampshire, picking up key seats in the Arizona state legislature, and making significant gains in the Montana legislature thanks to recent redistricting;
  • Watching NewDEAL Leaders in seven races for Congress and two U.S. Senate seats.

For more details on these races and their results, visit our 2024 Elections Headquarters.