
Rebecca Chavez-Houck
Former Representative | Salt Lake City, UT

Franchise for all Citizens

Idea Category: Defending Democracy


Utah has had a particular problem with diminishing voter participation. A number of citizens have said they simply want options as to how they cast their ballots: some want to vote by mail, others prefer to participate in early voting, yet others enjoy the activity of voting at their neighborhood precincts on Election Day.


Casting a ballot is the most direct method by which citizens can impact their government. By making it easier and more accessible to vote, states can increase voter participation states and restore citizen trust in government. Rep. Chavez-Houck initiated an Election Day Voter Registration Pilot Program in Utah, where counties can opt-in to test and see how viable same day registration is in the state. This approach addresses some concerns about the funding and impact of this program on the state by testing it out first to see what works and learning the best ways to engage more citizens to participate in each election.

Ron Nirenberg | Mayor | San Antonio, TX


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