
Michelle Wu
Mayor | Boston, MA

Higher Education Partnership to help Black and Latinx students 

Idea Category: Education, Equity & Opportunity


In 2013, the City of Boston conducted a study to identify the correlation between the school’s demographics and academic performance in order to achieve better outcomes for Black and Latinx students. The study revealed that students of color make up 40 percent of the district’s enrollment yet maintain lower academic performance than their white and Asian peer groups. The study further reveals that Black, Latinx, and low-income students face inequitable high education and employment success throughout their lives


Through a college completion initiative program, Success Boston, Mayor Michelle Wu, and 15 higher education institutions in Massachusetts are committed to reaching a 70% college completion rate for Boston Public Schools district graduates. Students at Success Boston are 11% more likely than their peers to continue on to their second year of college and 21% more likely to continue on to their third year of college.

Furthermore, Success Boston is prioritizing Black and Latinx students by refining policies, creating stronger programs, and reforming systems to promote equity and close equity gaps. For example, they are working to implement inclusive, asset-based interventions and engage directly with Boston's residents. Moreover, they are working to promote and coordinate the Success Boston policy agenda across institutions at the city, state, and federal level.

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