Housing affordability and housing stock is a challenge in my city, and it is denying individuals and families a chance to live the St. Pete and American Dream. Thoughtful, comprehensive housing strategies don’t get created on the fly. There are no quick fixes or shortcuts or silver bullets. It’s hard work. It’s a complex challenge, one that is plaguing cities across the nation. We have a solution.
Our plan, if not the many details, is simple: Housing for all, from all. For those who earn up to 120% of Area Median Income: Create, preserve 2,400 multi-family units, support the development of 200 non-subsidized
Workforce Density Bonus Units, Include mixed-income developments on City-owned land to increase the supply of multi-family units, support the construction of 300 accessory dwelling units, enable the purchase of 500 single-family homes for households earning 120% of the AMI or below, provide 150 single-family lots for construction of new
affordable homes, enable more than 3,200 single-family homeowners to stay in their homes by remedying code violations through available grants and additional City funding.