
Michael Blake
Former Assemblymember | Bronx, NY

The Bronx Community Foundation

Idea Category: Jobs and Entrepreneurship, Smart Government


According to the census, The Bronx is the most diverse county in America. However, we have one of the poorest congressional districts, and no Community Foundation to help us direct resources to local organizations and programs to support community members, students, and entrepreneurs.


We are creating The Bronx Foundation, which allows us to direct resources to local organizations and focus on helping entrepreneurs and Bronxites create jobs, primarily through technology, music, food, health and the arts. Our 3 Es focus of Economic Development, Education & Equity guide us to partner with other local organizations to help students connect with skills and jobs for now and the future, encourage music and the arts, create an Entrepreneurial Accelerator, and continue to amplify existing entrepreneurship programs and workshops. Bringing together the core efforts of these groups, along with a systemic team approach, will allow us to attract additional philanthropic, corporate and entrepreneurial support while directing resources, initiatives and practical solutions to local organizations. Moreover, our collaboration with our four school districts, our three hospitals and five surrounding colleges and universities gives us direct partner organizations to take local efforts to scale.