Xay Khamsyvoravong

Mayor | Newport, RI

Xaykham Rexford Khamsyvoravong, Esq., known as “Xay” (pronounced “sigh”) is an experienced civic leader and trusted expert on state and local finances. Xay has spent his career helping communities address challenges ranging from funding infrastructure to improving public education. He is currently serving as the Mayor of Newport, Rhode Island.

Attracting over 3.5 million visitors per year and serving as the home to nationally important institutions like the US Naval War College, Newport’s future depends on its ability to put residents first as it addresses major challenges facing the City. As Mayor, Xay has championed policies to improve housing, infrastructure, education, and economic development. In his first term, Xay worked to crackdown on illegal short-term rentals, adopt a modern Master Transportation Plan, provide a winter warming center for the unhoused, increase after-school programming, and restructure government with a focus on resiliency and sustainability.
