On behalf of our 160 members who hold state and local elected offices across the nation, the NewDEAL condemns the rioters who assaulted the U.S. Capitol, as well as President Trump for inciting yesterday’s insurrection. The President’s rhetoric and actions exhibited his complete lack of respect for the institutions at the heart of American democracy.
We also cannot ignore the many politicians who have tacitly approved of, actively promoted, and sought to benefit from the countless lies that led directly to this attack. As President-elect Biden has said, words matter. Too often leaders have brushed off the anti-democratic and inflammatory words of this president without regard for their serious consequences.
While we call out the direct causes of Wednesday’s events, especially the attempts to subvert Joe Biden’s legitimate victory, it is important to acknowledge that the roots of this attack and the contempt displayed for our democratic process run deep. One of the issues that must be addressed is the damage done by politicians who have worked for years to convince Americans that their government cannot be a source for good.
We are proud to work with true American patriots who exemplify the meaning of public service as they fight for economic opportunity, safe communities, and a better quality of life for everyone they represent. In the coming months and years, we must all work hard to promote trust in our government institutions, from Washington, D.C. to state capitals and city halls. As we look forward to a new day for our country with the inauguration of President-elect Biden, the outstanding public servants in NewDEAL are committed to moving America forward. They will be on the frontlines of rebuilding our country, balancing the need to denounce harmful rhetoric with uniting as many people as possible behind public policy solutions for the many crises of this moment.
-- The NewDEAL