
NewDEAL Expands: Announcing New Leadership and Staff

News Category: Media

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Recognizing that it has never been more important to promote rising pro-growth progressives at the state and local levels across the country, NewDEAL is growing!

We are thrilled to announce Congresswoman Kathleen Rice (NY-04) as a new Vice Chair, and to welcome Anne Slaughter Andrew, former U.S. Ambassador to Costa Rica, as a new Board member!

Additionally, NewDEAL welcomes two new team members -- Communications Director Jonathon Dworkin and Development Director Brittany Wise -- who will help us expand our support for the 139 NewDEAL Leaders across the country and help them develop and spread innovative ideas that create progress for all Americans.

Thank you for your continued support, and stay tuned for updates on our work, including with our upcoming New Ideas Challenge and Ideas Summit in May!

New Leadership

New Honorary Vice Chair

Congresswoman Kathleen Rice is in her second term representing communities in Nassau County, New York after first winning her competitive district in 2014 despite a challenging year for Democrats. In Congress, Kathleen has emerged as a leading Democratic voice on national security issues and a fierce advocate for veterans. Her other priorities have included making college more affordable, supporting small businesses, and enhancing public safety by combating gun violence and drunk driving.  Kathleen built her career as an outstanding prosecutor, including as the first woman elected District Attorney in Long Island history. In that position, she won national acclaim for her efforts to crack down on drunk driving and help overhaul New York’s DWI laws, and her public corruption investigations led to the convictions of dozens of officials from both parties who violated the public’s trust.

New Member of the Board

Anne Slaughter Andrew was appointed by President Obama to serve as the first woman U.S. Ambassador to Costa Rica (2010-2013). Since leaving the State Department, former Ambassador Andrew is serving as Chairman of TerViva, LLC, an agro-technology company developing environmentally sustainable crops for food and fuel. In addition, former Ambassador Andrew serves on the Board of Directors of Ad Astra Rocket Company in Houston, Texas and as an advisor to a number of start-up clean energy businesses. In addition to serving on the Board of Directors of Earth University, former Ambassador Andrew also serves on the Board of the Natural Resources Defense Counsel (NRDC), Purdue University – Global Affairs Strategic Advisory Council and the Telluride Foundation (Colorado). Former Ambassador Andrew is an active member of the Council of American Ambassadors.

New Staff

Jonathon Dworkin comes to NewDEAL as Communications Director having worked to advance the policy and political agendas of leading Democratic officials, most recently as Director of Communications and lead speechwriter for Delaware Governor Jack Markell, an honorary NewDEAL co-chair. Across all his work, Jonathon was responsible for advocating for pro-growth policies in a range of areas, such as economic development, education, civil rights, and the environment. He has also led communications efforts for two Members of Congress, including for their campaigns.

Brittany Wise, NewDEAL’s new Development Director, has extensive experience in finance and political operations in campaigns at the local, state, and national levels. Prior to joining NewDEAL, she served three years as Finance Director for Congresswoman Rice. She previously worked for New York City Mayor Bill de Blasio, on the Obama for America political team in Pennsylvania during the 2012 presidential election, and in Kentucky for the state Democratic Party as well as Governor Steve Beshear’s reelection campaign.
