
Ranker named top leader

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Kevin Ranker was selected as one of the nineteen leaders from across the country to join the NewDEAL, a national network committed to highlighting innovative ideas from state and local elected leaders who are pro-growth progressives. Governor Jack Markell of Delaware and Senator Mark Warner of Virginia, Honorary Chairs of the NewDEAL, recognized Ranker’s efforts to grow his state’s economy and preserve its environment by investing in ways to make outdoor recreation an engine of economic opportunity.

“NewDEAL Leaders in communities across the country have proven that winning policy solutions can be both pro-growth and progressive. We are proud to highlight leaders from across the country with innovative ideas to make government more efficient and effective,” said Senator Warner, Honorary Co-Chair of the NewDEAL.

“We believe that in order to address the challenges of the 21st century, we need to look for fresh ideas at the state and local level where leaders like Kevin Ranker are developing and testing innovative solutions to help move our country forward,” said Governor Markell, Honorary Co-Chair of the NewDEAL.

“Senator Ranker is a strong leader in Washington state on pro-growth, progressive issues, and I know he will be an asset to the NewDEAL. His work at the local level to establish the San Juan Islands National Monument is just one example of his commitment to preserving our local environment, which is an economic engine for Northwest Washington,” Congressman Rick Larsen, WA-02, said

“I am proud to be recognized by the NewDEAL for my work to make smart investments for our future that spur economic growth that is sustainable,” said Senator Ranker. “I’m looking forward to sharing ideas with my fellow NewDEAL Leaders and hearing about what’s working best in their communities that can help us grow progress here in the state of Washington.”

Kevin Ranker is currently featured on the NewDEAL’s interactive website at He joins Tacoma Mayor Marilyn Strickland and Senator Cyrus Habib as one of the 3 NewDEAL Leaders from Washington.

Source: The Islands' Sounder
