Derek Slaughter

Mayor | Williamsport, PA

Mayor Derek Slaughter was born and raised in Williamsport. He attended Williamsport Area School District and graduated from Williamsport Area High School in 1999. Mayor Slaughter earned his undergraduate degree from Penn State University in 2003 where he earned his Bachelor of Science degree in Information Sciences & Technology with a minor in Spanish. While at Penn State, he also spent a semester studying abroad in Salamanca, Spain. Mayor Slaughter completed his Master of Education degree from the University of Maryland, College Park in 2005.

Mayor Slaughter is on the steering committee for the Mayors’ Innovation Project and serves as 1st Vice President of the Pennsylvania Municipal League (PML). Mayor Slaughter was appointed by Governor Wolf to serve as a Commission member on the Pennsylvania Commission on Crime and Delinquency (PCCD). Additionally, Governor Shapiro appointed Mayor Slaughter to the Local Government Advisory Committee (LGAC). Earlier this year, Mayor Slaughter was recognized by Governor Shapiro and received the Governor’s Award for Outstanding Service to Local Government.


• Secured millions of dollars in grant funding for numerous projects including public safety, parks and recreation, and infrastructure

• Prioritized the recertification of our levee; helped to secure $8 million in federal dollars to support this work; first work being done on our levee system in 50 years

• Made upgrades to nearly every park in the city; secured a grant to update our parks, recreation, open space and green infrastructure comprehensive plan

• Worked with developers to bring various economic development projects to the city including commercial, industrial, residential, and mixed-use developments

• Completely revamped the city’s finances and brought the city back to a solid financial standing – completed the StMP program, overhauled the city’s financial software to include new HR, payroll, and financial software, updated and streamlined systems, restructured the city’s financial office

• Nearly $100 million of development happening or about to happen in the city.

• Numerous investments in public safety – currently working to rollout a public safety hybrid response team to handle mental and behavioral health calls

• Transitioned our transit agency to an authority

• Created an in-house grants administrator position
