Proud of NewDEAL Leaders Pete Buttigieg, Michael Blake, and Karen Carter Peterson!

We are proud to congratulate

NewDEAL Leader
South Bend, IN Mayor Pete Buttigieg

on his inspiring and well-run race for Chair of the Democratic National Committee.

We applaud Mayor Buttigieg for stepping up to run for this important post at such a defining time in our nation’s history, and for elevating the role that state and local officials from across America need to play in providing solutions for our party and our country.

We are also proud to congratulate

NewDEAL Leader
New York Assemblymember Michael Blake

 on his election as Democratic National Committee Vice Chair, and

NewDEAL Leader
Louisiana Senator Karen Carter Peterson

on her election as Vice Chair of Civic Engagement and Voter Participation!

Their commitment to innovative leadership and service will serve the Democratic Party well as it works to advocate for policies that benefit Americans across the nation.

Congratulations to new DNC Chair Tom Perez, and to the whole new DNC Leadership Team!

NewDEAL Announces 8 New Leaders to Join Growing Network

Pro-growth Progressive Elected Officials Recognized for Policy Innovation

See this release as a PDF

Today, NewDEAL Honorary Co-Chairs Governor Jack Markell of Delaware and U.S. Senator Mark Warner of Virginia announced that eight state and local elected officials from across the country have been selected as the next group of NewDEAL Leaders.

The NewDEAL is a national network committed to highlighting pro-growth progressive state and local elected leaders from across the country with innovative ideas to build broadly-earned, sustainable economic growth. Since its launch in 2011, the network has grown from 10 leaders to over 150 state and local leaders, and launched an interactive ideas portal highlighting dozens of state and local ideas to grow the economy, expand opportunity for all and make government work better.

“I congratulate this group of eight NewDEAL leaders who have been chosen for their pro-growth policy solutions from the front-lines of government. We are proud to highlight these leaders from across the country with innovative ideas to make government more efficient and effective,” said Senator Warner, Honorary Co-Chair of the NewDEAL.

“Year after year, the NewDEAL identifies remarkable state and local leaders who have a proven-track record of innovative solutions. These eight elected officials have fresh ideas about how we can meet the challenges of the 21st Century. I’m glad they’ve been given the distinction and the support that the NewDEAL network provides,” said Governor Markell, Honorary Co-Chair of the NewDEAL.

The NewDEAL is recognizing eight leaders who hail from diverse regions of the country: Lawrence (KS) District Attorney Charles Branson, Denver (CO) City Council President Albus Brooks, Raleigh (NC) Senator Jay Chaudhuri, Helena (MT) Representative Jenny Eck, Dallas County (TX) County Judge Clay Jenkins, Norfolk (VA) City Councilmember Andria McClellan, Atlanta (GA) Senator Elena Parent, and Boston (MA) City Council President Michelle Wu.

The NewDEAL is committed to helping pro-growth progressive leaders share their innovative ideas, which are available on its interactive website, The public is encouraged to nominate other state and local elected leaders on the network’s website and stay connected as the NewDEAL highlights more pro-growth progressive leaders and ideas.


NewDEAL in PHL The 2016 Democratic National Convention


The 2016 Democratic National Convention

What a whirlwind week we had in Philadelphia! NewDEAL Leaders were out in force, participating in a wide range of events and speaking at the Democratic National Convention. Check out this OZY piece that includes perspectives from a number of NewDEAL Leaders about the future of the party and the country.

The NewDEAL kicked off this week with a roundtable on Smart Cities Monday morning, where over 50 participants discussed how to use technology to make government work better — from open data initiatives to modernizing infrastructure to boosting citizen innovation and engagement. A big thank you to moderator NewDEAL Honorary Co-Chair Governor Jack Markell, Congresswoman Suzan DelBene, NewDEAL Mayors and other Leaders, and thoughtful experts from the private sector who joined us to share their knowledge and experience.

On Wednesday, we were thrilled to be joined by more than a hundred NewDEAL Leaders, supporters and friends for our “Toast to the Future” reception, where we celebrated the impact NewDEAL Leaders are currently having around the country, and the bright future they represent!  A special thank you to NewDEAL Leader Lincoln, NE Councilmember Leirion Gaylor Baird, who shared her experiences of connecting and collaborating with other NewDEAL Leaders on innovative ideas that can help her city, and reminded us all of the importance of supporting this dynamic network of state and local pro-growth progressive leaders who are championing ideas to grow the economy, expand opportunity, and make government work better.

Thanks to everyone who joined us in PHL, and we look forward to continuing our work together to promote pro-growth progressive leaders and ideas that move our country forward.

–Team NewDEAL

Governor Markell and Senator Warner Announce next NewDEAL Leaders

13 Pro-Growth Progressive State & Local Leaders Chosen to Join a Growing Network of 140

Today, NewDEAL Honorary Co-Chairs Governor Jack Markell of Delaware and U.S. Senator Mark Warner of Virginia announced that thirteen state and local elected officials from across the country have been selected as the next group of NewDEAL Leaders.

The NewDEAL is a national network committed to highlighting pro-growth progressive state and local elected leaders from across the country with innovative ideas to build broadly-earned, sustainable economic growth. Since it’s launch in 2011, the network has grown from 10 leaders to 140 state and local leaders from 43 states, and launched an interactive ideas portal highlighting dozens of state and local ideas to grow the economy, expand opportunity for all and make government work better.

“NewDEAL Leaders in communities across the country have proven that winning policy solutions can be both pro-growth and progressive. We are proud to highlight these leaders from across the country with innovative ideas to make government more efficient and effective,” said Senator Warner, Honorary Co-Chair of the NewDEAL.

“We believe that in order to address the challenges of the 21st century, we need to look for fresh ideas at the state and local level where leaders are developing and testing innovative solutions to help move our country forward,” said Governor Markell, Honorary Co-Chair of the NewDEAL.

The NewDEAL is recognizing thirteen leaders who hail from diverse regions of the country:

West Palm Beach (FL) State Attorney Dave Aronberg, Texas Representative Cesar Blanco, Madison (WI) City Councilor Maurice Cheeks, San Francisco (CA) City Treasurer Jose Cisneros, Missouri Senator Shalonn Curls, Colorado Senator Kerry Donovan, Atlanta (GA) City Councilmember Kwanza Hall, Princeton (NJ) Mayor Liz Lempert, Kansas City (MO) City Councilor Quinton Lucas, Pennsylvania Representative Brandon Neuman, Colorado Representative Brittany Pettersen, Santa Ana (CA) City Councilor Vincent Sarmiento, and Connecticut Representative Caroline Simmons.

The NewDEAL is committed to helping pro-growth progressive leaders share their innovative ideas on its interactive website,  The public is encouraged to nominate other state and local elected leaders on the network’s website and stay connected as the NewDEAL highlights more pro-growth progressive ideas.

NewDEAL Announces Hill Veteran Lisa Bianco as Political Director

For Immediate Release:
October 13, 2015

Today, NewDEAL (Developing Exceptional American Leaders), a national network of over 140 pro-growth, progressive state and local leaders, announced the appointment of Lisa Bianco as Political Director.  In this role, Lisa will continue to build the network by bringing together leaders focused on expanding opportunity and help them develop and spread innovative ideas to spur economic growth.

Previously, Lisa served as Chief of Staff and District Director to Congressman John K. Delaney (MD-06). She led Democratic Whip Steny H. Hoyer’s (MD-05) in-state political operation, running his campaign and managing his relationships around the state, including with many state and local leaders. In addition, Lisa has worked on campaigns around the country, including in the Iowa caucuses, New Mexico, Illinois, and her home state of Colorado.

The network is led by our Honorary Chairs, Delaware Governor Jack Markell and U.S. Senator Mark Warner of Virginia, as well as our Honorary Regional Chairs: Colorado Governor John Hickenlooper, U.S. Senator Cory Booker of New Jersey, U.S. Senator Chris Coons of Delaware, U.S. Senator Gary Peters of Michigan, California Lieutenant Governor Gavin Newsom, Columbus Mayor Michael Coleman, former Miami Mayor Manny Diaz, and Houston Mayor Annise Parker.

“Lisa is passionate about building bridges between pro-growth progressive political, policy and private sector leaders. She understands the importance of facilitating the exchange of ideas and creating strong networks. She brings tremendous energy, talent and drive to her work, and she will be a fantastic resource for all of us as we continue to expand NewDEAL’s reach and impact,” said Debbie Cox Bultan, Executive Director of NewDEAL.

NewDEAL: Sharing Innovation, Promoting Progress

“In 2014, NewDEAL held its first New Ideas Challenge, recognizing the pro-growth, progressive policies and initiatives of state and local leaders. The awards highlighted the work of officials whose solutions are bringing positive, sustainable change to their communities and making government work smarter. Download this paper to read the inspiring profiles of the four winners.”

Source: Governing Magazine 

Ranker named top leader

Kevin Ranker was selected as one of the nineteen leaders from across the country to join the NewDEAL, a national network committed to highlighting innovative ideas from state and local elected leaders who are pro-growth progressives. Governor Jack Markell of Delaware and Senator Mark Warner of Virginia, Honorary Chairs of the NewDEAL, recognized Ranker’s efforts to grow his state’s economy and preserve its environment by investing in ways to make outdoor recreation an engine of economic opportunity.

“NewDEAL Leaders in communities across the country have proven that winning policy solutions can be both pro-growth and progressive. We are proud to highlight leaders from across the country with innovative ideas to make government more efficient and effective,” said Senator Warner, Honorary Co-Chair of the NewDEAL.

“We believe that in order to address the challenges of the 21st century, we need to look for fresh ideas at the state and local level where leaders like Kevin Ranker are developing and testing innovative solutions to help move our country forward,” said Governor Markell, Honorary Co-Chair of the NewDEAL.

“Senator Ranker is a strong leader in Washington state on pro-growth, progressive issues, and I know he will be an asset to the NewDEAL. His work at the local level to establish the San Juan Islands National Monument is just one example of his commitment to preserving our local environment, which is an economic engine for Northwest Washington,” Congressman Rick Larsen, WA-02, said

“I am proud to be recognized by the NewDEAL for my work to make smart investments for our future that spur economic growth that is sustainable,” said Senator Ranker. “I’m looking forward to sharing ideas with my fellow NewDEAL Leaders and hearing about what’s working best in their communities that can help us grow progress here in the state of Washington.”

Kevin Ranker is currently featured on the NewDEAL’s interactive website at He joins Tacoma Mayor Marilyn Strickland and Senator Cyrus Habib as one of the 3 NewDEAL Leaders from Washington.

Source: The Islands’ Sounder

Ranker named one of nation’s top ‘pro-growth progressives’

Washington state Sen. Kevin Ranker was selected as one of 19 leaders from across the country to join the NewDEAL, a national network committed to highlighting innovative ideas from state and local elected leaders who are pro-growth progressives.

Governor Jack Markell of Delaware and U.S. Senator Mark Warner of Virginia, honorary chairmen of the NewDEAL, recognized Ranker’s efforts to grow his state’s economy and preserve its environment by investing in ways to make outdoor recreation an engine of economic opportunity.

“NewDEAL leaders in communities across the country have proven that winning policy solutions can be both pro-growth and progressive,” Warner said. “We are proud to highlight leaders from across the country with innovative ideas to make government more efficient and effective.”

Markell said that Ranker develops the type of fresh ideas and innovative solutions needed to address the challenges of the 21st century and move the nation forward.

Washington state Congressman Rick Larsen, 2nd District, echoed the praise for Ranker’s progressive, pro-growth leanings, citing the recently created San Juan Islands National Monument as example.

“His work at the local level to establish the San Juan Islands National Monument is just one example of his commitment to preserving our local environment, which is an economic engine for Northwest Washington,” Larsen said.

“I am proud to be recognized by the NewDEAL for my work to make smart investments for our future that spur economic growth that is sustainable,” said Senator Ranker. “I’m looking forward to sharing ideas with my fellow NewDEAL leaders and hearing about what’s working best in their communities that can help us grow and progress here in the state of Washington.”

Ranker is currently featured on the NewDEAL’s interactive website at He joins Tacoma Mayor Marilyn Strickland and Senator Cyrus Habib as one of three NewDEAL leaders from Washington state.

Source: The Journal of the San Juan Islands