Clarke Tucker Turns Hope Into Hardwork


In this week’s episode of An Honorable Profession, NewDEAL CEO and host Debbie Cox Bultan talks with Arkansas State Senator Clarke Tucker about his state’s political shift to the right and away from prominent Democratic personalities, such as President Bill Clinton. They identify lessons learned as Democratic majorities slipped away quickly due to a lack of listening and impactful community investments. Tucker also shares insights into how the Democratic Party must shift its rural strategy with community investments to help improve people’s day-to-day lives and better communication to highlight these wins. They also discuss inspiring stories of bipartisanship and how doing the little things to build relationships with his Republican colleagues helped advance his election protection bill last session.

Stay tuned to the end to hear about a documentary of Clarke’s run for Congress, how his sister filmed it, and how the film gave folks a glimpse into the commitment families make in public life.