
Bob Duff
Senate Majority Leader | Norwalk, CT

Pathways in Technology: Early College High School Program

Idea Category: Education | Funding Source: American Rescue Plan

2023 Ideas Challenge Entry

Senate Majority Leader Bob Duff secured funds in the 2024/2025 biennial state budget to create a pilot program within a high school in two districts to expand access to college courses and technology internships by encouraging schools to partner with their local community college and a state-located business. This program is specifically targeted to the most needy districts in the state. These students will take a course load that allows them to graduate with both a high school diploma and an associate's degree. Furthermore, the internships they participate in allow them to gain invaluable experience and prepare them for the workforce, should they choose to enter it immediately or after completing a baccalaureate degree. In order to enable the most needy districts to apply to participate, the two costs for administering the program are paid for by the state.


Senator Duff sees the program as a way to bring together local community college leadership and large local businesses in the technology field in support of students.

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